1-306-543-4804 sheila@relatefully.com

Have you ever wondered why you struggle with certain situations? You try everything you can to have a different outcome and for some reason nothing seems to be changing. Why? Because there’re two universal laws ruling change for everyone of us. Being aware of those laws helps to eliminate the negative feelings we feel towards ourselves.

In order to exist in this world we have to live with universal laws whether we want to or not. The moment you become aware you’re struggling and something doesn’t feel right I invite you to think about what else may be influencing what’s going on for you.

Here are the two laws:

1. Where your attention goes, so goes your energy (that part will grow).

2. Where is your intention, according to that the energy manifests.

Let’s look at these two laws in action.

The first example…you’ve had pain in your knee for over a week. It seems like whatever you’re trying to do to relieve the pain isn’t working. Any time you think about your knee you become irritated because it’s getting worse. According to the universal law…when your attention is focused on having pain in your knee – with the energetic intention that it’s getting worse, that is the energy that grows.    

If you want your knee to heal you need to send healing energy to your knee whenever you think about it. Even if your first thought is related to the pain getting worse…in that moment of hearing yourself say that re-direct your thinking to be about your knee getting better and healing. Your attention is on your knee and you intend healing to take place. With that focus the universe opens up avenues for healing to manifest.

The second example…you continually argue with your spouse about how much money there’re spending. Whenever anyone talks about money you tell them that your spouse is spending money all the time. As soon as the topic of money comes up at home you remind your spouse that they’re spending too much. That’s all you can see because of repeating this over and over. According to the universal law…your attention goes towards them spending all the time which is what will continue to grow especially if you have a lot of negative emotional energy directed at that one situation alone.

If you want to see your spouse differently…you need to ‘intend’ something differently.  You need to take your attention off of them spending all the time and begin to focus on the changes you want to realize in your life. This isn’t about not thinking or feeling those things! This is about becoming aware of what you’re thinking and feeling…and then from there you can make new choices about what it is you really want in your life. 

Now is change going to take place instantly? Yes and no! Depends on what your situation is at the time. If you’ve been focusing on negative outcomes for some time, it will take more that once to bring about change regarding your intentions.  

Why is it necessary to pay attention to the universal laws? Continually dealing with the same issues over and over again eventually eats away at your self esteem and confidence related to problem solving. The moment you become aware you’re struggling observe where you’re directing your attention and what your intentions are. Knowing what they are and how to work with them makes a difference in your thinking, feeling and how your everyday life situations unfold.   

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Relationship Renovator, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher