1-306-543-4804 sheila@relatefully.com

Have you been upset with yourself because you couldn’t stop doing things like getting caught up in negativity, being critical of others or being short tempered with the people you love? You can be having a great day where things are flowing and something happens causing you to go from being happy to horrible. It’s not uncommon to get upset especially when it comes to being in relationships. Something outside of you causes a reaction inside and that reaction eventually is expressed outwardly.

We’re all human with thoughts running through our minds and we do get emotional! Many times we have no idea what’s inside of us until it’s expressed outwardly. For example, you’re talking with your friend about how you’re struggling in your current relationship with your spouse. You come home from work and you’re talking with your spouse about how you can’t get along with a co-worker. You run into your sibling and get caught up in the family drama again. Walking away from these kinds of conversations makes you feel energetically drained. Do you stay stuck in that negative type of energy or do you keep the energy moving forward to what it is you want?

You and your ’energy’ are always in motion. You’re either moving or growing towards being in a state of calm and rest within yourself or being in a state of conflict and unrest. If you’re expressing a lot of criticism, negativity or short temperedness that indicates there’s conflict and unrest inside. Once you’re aware of what you’re expressing you have the choice to stay energetically stuck or to move forward.

Let’s work with the examples above:

  • You’re talking with your friend about how you’re struggling in the relationship with your spouse. It seems like you can’t think of anything positive lately.

To energetically stay stuck…you’d keep focused on and talking about all the things you’re struggling with.

To keep the energy moving forward…you recognize you’re talking about the things you struggle with and in that moment of awareness you change your focus and keep talking about what it is you now want in that relationship. For example, you want your relationship to heal and have more love, respect and kindness.  

  • You come home from work and you’re talking with your spouse about how you can’t get along with a co-worker. All you can think of is getting out of that job.

To energetically stay stuck…you keep looking for all the negative type things the co-worker does and keep thinking about changing jobs.

To keep the energy moving forward…the moment you realize you’re caught up in the negativity you shift your focus and wording more towards what it is you want in the relationship with your co-worker. For example, you want to be able to communicate more effectively with this person getting a better understanding of where they’re coming from. You also want to have a look inside yourself to get a feel for what’s causing you to react at work.    

  • You run into your sibling and get caught up in the family drama again. You become annoyed because of how siblings are treating each other.

To energetically stay stuck…you walk away wishing you didn’t run into them and secretly deep down you wished you didn’t have a family with so many problems to deal with.

To keep the energy moving forward…you become aware of what you’re thinking about and decide you would rather move towards healing the relationships with your family members. You speak about what you want in those relationships now ending on a more positive focus.

Basically this is showing you the concept of not letting the energy stay stuck in the thoughts that cause you to remain in struggle and conflict. That drains your joy! To make every effort to direct or re-direct your attention to what it is you want literally creates change in your energetic field instantly! Your awareness helps you see what was expressed outwardly and your action and intention cause forward movement in your energy field. Does this take effort? You bet it does. You’re always putting your attention on something. You only have to decide in what direction you want to keep your energy moving. It’s like saying to the universe, ‘I don’t want that anymore. I want to be open to having this instead.’

You can use this approach for anything and everything in your life. There are no limitations to what’s possible. All you need is to be aware. The rest falls into place naturally.

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Relationship Renovator, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Teacher