1-306-543-4804 sheila@relatefully.com

Along my journey I’ve learned many things related to how the physical body functions. Some things didn’t make sense to me and nor did I choose to believe them. It wasn’t until recently I was able to have a greater understanding of another perspective related to our physical bodies.

Firstly, we’re a Soul, a human being and it’s by the grace of the Divine that we’re blessed to be here to experience life. In order for us to do that, we need our energetic, mental, emotional and physical bodies.  

Every day we have thoughts and feelings related to whatever we’re experiencing at the time. We have all kinds of thoughts and feelings both positive and negative in nature. What happens with the things we think and feel…where do they go?

Thoughts that come and go, do exactly that! They come and go. That’s different from the thoughts that come and stick around causing us some kind of unrest or upset inside. Those thoughts tend to be repetitive based on belief systems and are of a negative nature causing us to feel negatively in some way.

Knowing that, here’s the new perspective I recently learned. Our Soul doesn’t ‘store’ anything. Our energy body doesn’t store anything. Our mental and emotional bodies don’t store anything. There are no storage containers for any one of those. It’s only our physical body that stores negative thoughts and emotions.

Going a little further…as with any storage container, the first, second, third or fourth thing we put inside may not fill the container. If nothing is taken out and we keep putting things inside, eventually the container reaches its capacity to the point where the container breaks or we just can’t add anything else.

Using that analogy, think of the physical body. If we have some ‘deep ingrained’ negative belief systems about ourselves, overtime they’re going to fill up our body or container, so to speak. Once full, the negative thoughts and emotions get our attention letting us know the levels in our container need to be addressed. How will we know? Our bodies way of getting our attention is through the different aches, pains, ailments and diseases.  

Now this is not about having negative thoughts and emotions. Not at all! This is not about being so pure in our way of living that we won’t have any aches, pains, aliments or diseases. Not at all! We’re all human beings with physical, mental and emotional bodies. Life is always changing and it’s certain that we’ll experience negativity along the way. That can’t be avoided. This is about gaining awareness of what we’re thinking and feeling not only emotionally but physically as well. Only when we’re aware can we have some understanding of what’s going on inside in relation to what’s happening outside of us. First is about having the awareness. Once we have the awareness, we’re guided to find what works for us when it comes to healing and resolving any negative thoughts and emotions from the inside.

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Relationship Renovator, Medical Intuitive