1-306-543-4804 sheila@relatefully.com

You’re either putting your ‘energy’ towards fighting/battling your health…or towards healing your body!

I was blessed to work with a lady who couldn’t hear out of her left ear. After learning she was struggling with this for over 20 years, I asked her what happened in her life at the time she started to notice the loss in her hearing. She wasn’t mentally aware of it at the time and I worked with what I was picking up in her energy field related to her lack of hearing. Not long after that she shared with me how she noticed when there was something stressful going on with someone she knew, she said to herself, ‘I don’t want to hear it.’ Much to her amazement, she wondered how long she’d been doing that! I was so excited to hear that and told her that was absolutely a huge gift she received. Whatever energetic block was there before we started was gone and she was now aware of hearing herself. Her awareness leads her forward to heal whatever unrest was inside at the time.  

Are you experiencing ongoing physical problems of any kind? The kind of problems that are eating up a lot of your energy! Day after day you struggle and now battle some kind of health crisis? Is this you or is this someone you know?   

What happens…is over time you lose sight of what actually caused the problem in the first place. What were you struggling through in your life at the time? What were your thoughts and feelings? Knowing that helps you gain a greater understanding of why your physical body was responding as it did. Why? Your ‘energy’ is filled with thoughts and feelings all of which impact your physical body.

If your ‘struggles’ aren’t healed and resolved they turn into battles of some kind. Those battles can express themselves through the physical body…as a way of getting your attention.

When your energy is being eaten away involved in a battle with your body you lose sight of healing it. How do you move past that? Move your attention away from the body and towards what was happening in your life at the time. What was the unrest inside for you?

Do you need to know what the unrest was? NO! It has been my experience that you don’t need to know. Unrest expresses itself through pain. This can be pain in any area of your life including your physical body. You do need to ‘connect with’ or ‘feel’ the feelings related to the unrest in order to heal and resolve whatever it was. The result? Your thoughts and feelings change causing the physical body to respond differently. This truly makes it much easier to direct your ‘energy’ towards the changes you desire in your life.

The saying shared in the first paragraph can be applied to everything in your life. You’re either putting your energy towards fighting/battling your relationships > finances > career > spirituality > yourself…or towards healing and resolving the unrest related to the fight/battle. Sometimes you need to take a step in the direction of what you want or need.

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Relationship Renovator, Medical Intuitive