1-306-543-4804 sheila@relatefully.com

We exist in a world where people are so focused outwardly. We blame and find fault in what’s happening outside of us and look to others to change so we feel better. We put a lot of importance on what others say we need to be doing in order for us to be something even better then we are. I know I’ve experienced that. Has that been your experience?

The opposite of being focused outwardly is to be paying attention inwardly. You pay attention inwardly by being aware of what’s going on inside in relation to what’s happening outside of you. Why is that important? Because your upset begins inside and your healing and resolution also begins inside. Once you become aware of what’s going on inside, changes naturally take place both inwardly and outwardly. In life, you will continually experience things outside of you which cause you to get emotionally upset inside. The more you’re aware of what’s going on inside the more you’ll heal and resolve any unrest in your life.

For you to heal unrest inside, you’re healing and resolving unrest related to what other people do to you and what you do to others.

Healing and resolution happens by challenging the things that no longer make sense to you. Only you will know what that is. Challenge things like your conditioning, programing and belief systems. A great place to start would be with the unsupportive things you believe about yourself, like how need to look physically or need to sound verbally. Belief systems are things you believe right at your core; the core only you can access for yourself.

There are still days when I catch myself listening to what others say I need to be saying or doing in order to be successful. It has been my experience that it takes spiritual courage to move through that. Life no longer becomes about being so focused on others because you have greater awareness and understanding of who you truly are. At the end of the day, that’s what matters most.  

Wherever you are on your journey, may you find what works for you…find your own truth…and you will always be guided to feel at peace inside.

Sheila Unique, Relationship Renovator