1-306-543-4804 sheila@relatefully.com

Sheila Unique’s New Book

Relatefully: How to gain greater relationships from the inside out

Struggling or In Conflict

In Relatefully, Sheila takes you on a journey, a journey within. Beginning with your noticeable reactions you gain access to your inner world and the ability to connect it to the outer world.

Understanding Your Self

Begins with the constant communication from within. Sheila, through the book, provides a guide to tap into this communication using it to understand yourself and others.


Everyday problems exist in relationships…it’s part of living life.

Are you struggling? Is there conflict? Are things getting easier for you or does it feel like the struggle is increasing?

It’s time to relate more fully and gain greater relationships from the inside out!

Great relationships begin with a great relationship with yourself. This is what Relatefully is about. When you ‘relate fully,’ you become aware of sudden changes in your thoughts, feelings and physical body. You grow to have a greater understanding of things like why you feel what you do, why some people easily cause you to get upset or even what is stopping or blocking you from experiencing more joy in your life.

Advance Praise for Relatfully

Enough of the concepts already! Here are practical tools and techniques to awaken, animate, and accentuate your "body practicality." In these times of sedentary mediocrity when movement is required every day, Relatefully outlines what is required in being relatable, relational, and relative from the inside out.

Testimonial Item

Dr. Stephen Hobbs

Founder WELLth Movement

Author Sheila Unique’s gentle guidance brings awareness to a profound approach of looking inside yourself in order to resolve and heal through everyday life problems. One thing I absolutely love about this book is the journey of self-discovery for the relationship with yourself. This book is filled with tools and practices that can easily be used immediately today!

Testimonial Item

Robert Clancy

#1 International Bestselling Author of Soul Cyphers, Co-host of The Mindset Reset Show

Relatefully is a timeless and powerful learning manual! It gives you specific steps to use to gain greater awareness and resolve everyday life issues and situations. The unique approach gives you the tools you need to communicate with your mind, emotions and body. It helps you discover the many reasons why we do the things we do and how to change the things we want with more ease than ever. I highly recommend this book!

Testimonial Item

Luci McMonagle

Relatefully is a beautiful, in-depth handbook for understanding and healing the many parts of your being, and bringing them into alignment. You will find yourself navigating the depth of your physical, mental, emotional, energy, and spiritual bodies. As you embark on this holistic healing adventure, with Sheila Unique as your intrepid guide, be prepared to go deep within yourself and heal parts you may not have even realized were out of alignment. You will find your life issues resolving, as you experience a greater sense of peace and wholeness. This book is a gem you will want to keep handy on your book shelf to refer to again and again.

Testimonial Item

MarBeth Dunn

Intuitive Energy Management * Mentor * International Speaker

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This book is very powerful and makes a great gift. It is also a  great way to show someone that you care about them and about the relationships in their life. Consider buying a copy of this book for them. Show them how important they are and how much you value them.


Relatefully takes you on a journey of introducing you to your physical body, mental body, emotional body, and yes, your spiritual body too. As well, you’ll learn more information about your energetic body throughout the book. Ultimately, you’ll understand how each of these bodies show up in moment-to-moment communication with others.

” I wrote Relatefully to give you a unique approach to educate you and help you to understand how interconnected your different bodies are; how they influence your day-to-day life. I’ll teach you what causes struggle and conflict in your life. Better yet how to find your way to resolving it. As you move through this book, you’ll gain awareness of how you ‘relate more fully’ with yourself.” Sheila Unique

As you grow to ‘relate more fully,’ imagine growing to learn and experience:

  • Having a new empowering relationship with the aches and pains you feel in your physical body, taking wellness to a new level;
  • Being aware of your thoughts and knowing what to do with them;
  • Being in a position where you accept your emotional state and even know how to resolve any upset inside of you;
  • Being excited to look inside yourself and getting insights as to what your purpose is in life;
  • Knowing and understanding that you’re more than a physical body and feeling changes in your own energy body; and
  • Feeling empowered to move forward with the attitude that life continually happens offering you an opportunity to learn and grow.

I’m inviting you to experience what that could be for you. 
You have very little control of the world outside of you. Find how you can change all of that from the inside.


Sheila Unique

Author Sheila Unique journeyed from being identical to truly being Unique. Born an identical twin she related to herself as a twin. She learned when she wanted something, it had to be good for both of them. It was normal for her to always be looking outside of herself for what would make them, as twins, happy and successful.

Then one day, she decided she needed to be an individual and honestly had no idea what it was like to relate to herself as one. No longer did she want to live the life of ‘twinship.’ Little did she know she needed to learn a new way of communicating; she had to grow to become aware of her own thoughts and feelings inside. She discovered she wasn’t only a physical body, she also had other bodies. All her bodies were equally important and were communicating together. They were working in perfect harmony for her learning and growing…allowing her to relate more fully with herself.

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